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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New Bauer Blade?

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They have been out for the past 2 seasons. Bauer released the Vapor X 2 pc (standard blades) and the Vapor XV 2 pc (tapered blades). I have the XV and found the blades to pretty good and durable.

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Yea, HoldFast is like Bauer's version of Si-Core. That's what's on the XV blades. The old Vapor X were Double Bridge like the Vapor XX and the Tri-Flex Golds.

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I loved the XV when I used it. Much better than the Si-Core for dampening and making the blade softer. Even though it was the wrong curve it was up with my favorite blades. I don't even like soft blades like this, I prefer harder blades, but this was nice. I'd rather get the old Vapor X with WaveBridge, but that's personal preference. If you want a soft composite like the Si-Core, this would be a great choice.

For $30, this blade is an absolute steal. I'm actually going to order 2 or 3 myself.

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i also tried the XV, and the dampening is AWSOME compared to the sicore blade i use for like 2 years now, but can't get used to lindros and this is the closest match possible to an iggy!

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lie was a factor but it wasn't THAT important. Like Chadd say, the curve shape look like like the same as a iggy/recchi but the rocker is different..

Conclusion: It is a mix of the different lie and A BIT more mid-heel open curve than the iggy(more mid-toe open curve)

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