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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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synergy 1300 with ls2 or ls2 power?

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Well heres the deal, i have a pair of synergy 1300c skates, and i completly hate the holder/blade setup on the skates. I know this may have been posted often but this is different hopefully. I narrowed myself down to 2 choices the TUUK lightspeed II or the TUUK lightspeed II Power. I talked to my skate guy at the rink and he told me he can order which ever holder for me but i do not know which one is more durable, and lighter, and well if the lightspeed power is available yet. I need something close to the Razor blade weight cuz i need skates with the lightest feel as possible, very week ankle. I know im probably gonna have to drill a few new holes in my skates but thats not a problem, is there a specific rivet size i need, and will the fit perfect with the lift and such of the heel?

thanks top

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