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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Longest NCAA Hockey Game Ever

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true but....row 25 section 105 with all the players(that din't play) and parents in front of you...+ oleg tverdosky's mom and his gf/wife sitting behind you talking away and each goal giving a hug. Funny thing was that she rented a house 1block away from my grandma...and they rememberd my mom and I..

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Im not talking about the bigg name guys...there were the minors or call ups like ari ahonen etc...

But in section 105 is where the parents and gf/wifes and when a player isn't playing are where they usually are..

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The Flyers/Penguins playoff game from about 4 years ago. It went 5 OT's. My family was going out to dinner that night and i was angry having to leave in the 3rd period. We got home during the 4th OT and i was able to see Keith Premiu(sp) hit the game winner to the top corner during the 5th.

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our schools hs team just lost last night in the semi finals for states and they lost in the fourth overtime :blink: thats a long game

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