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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Aussie Joe

Baking with a blow dryer...

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Morn'ning lads, just wanting to know the exact process that takes place of baking your skates with a blow dryer? Is this common practice? Are there certain skates you shouldn't do this to?

Its an interesting alternative as getting skates here in Aus baked costs $100 a pop!

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Wow, and I thought $20 was a sham. I can understand wanting to make money on sales lost to online retailers, but $100 is ludicrous. I would just skip baking, unless you have kors or some skates that need to be baked. Just an FYI, most skates don't need heat molding, It just speeds up the break in process.

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jeebus, who do the skate retailers think they are charging 100 dollars a bake, its supposed to be free with every skate bought or a small price of no more than the cost of sharpening your ice skates.

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Well I've baked 2 skates blow drying, Tour Fishbones then Tour Red Maxs. On my Tour Red Maxs, I took it out to a public roller hockey rink without baking it. Bad idea. Chewed up my foot.

Basically you look on the inside of the boot and set the blow dryer to Hot and gradually heat up the sides of the boot, where the forming should take place (try by your own best judgement to heat each side up evenly, doesn't have to be precise). Try not to heat it up too hot, you're going to have to stick your foot in there. Every now and then you want to check the sides with your fingers and try to press it in, if it feels as if it will be able to conform to your ankles then you're ready to put your foot in. Then go ahead and put your foot in, if it's possible to stand up and skate around in them in your house then do it, it'll help the break-in process (i actually ended up falling asleep on my couch with them still on so I think that may have helped). It was a pretty long process, I think my blow dryer was weak, but it worked, skates did not eat up my foot again.

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I've done skates w/ a blowdryer before. I put them in a plastic bag and just aimed the dryer inside the boot and kept the bag sort of closed.

I figure a cardboard box might be easier so you kinda get a mild "oven" effect. Set it on high too, as blow dryers arent' exactly that strong. At least mine wasn't.

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$100! That really sucks.

Shame your not in Canberra Nick, we have one that is free of charge.

I assume by not using the oven you are voiding your warranty as well? I am sure the retailer has told you that!

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I never bake my skates in an oven, I only use a blow dryer. And even then I only lightly do it, im a bit pessimistic with durability!

When I do mine I just do one skate at a time and point the blow dryer in the top of the skate and wait till boot is soft enough to form to your foot, and then i just put my foot in and tie it really tight. then ill just sit there till its cooled.

I tend not to stand up much or skate in them as I've heard it can mess with the durability as your putting pressure on places with no support because of the baking. so I always let it full cool before skating.

just my 2 Cents

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Here on the west coast it costs $40, unless you buy something and make a bargain. LHS's need unique services to compete with online retailers.

Wow, that's even a rip. My LHS still charges only $10.

BTW: $100 australian comes out to about $73 US, just in case anyone wondered....but $73 is still a rip.

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$100! That really sucks.

Shame your not in Canberra Nick, we have one that is free of charge.

I assume by not using the oven you are voiding your warranty as well? I am sure the retailer has told you that!

I'll have to remember that next time (whenever that is) Im in Canberra, Matty.

The retailer didn't get a word in past "Oh the bake will be about $100" as I was too busy pissing myself with laughter.

Thanks for the tips guys, will give it a go in the next few months when I get my new skates.

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