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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mission gloves - 5500 v. 7500.

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Ok, I need gloves bad. I'm not going to get my Mission Icons from '00 re-stitched, so I'm looking at getting new Mission gloves. The 10K's are out of question, since I don't want to spend $100 on gloves again, and I don't need the protection they offer.

So it's between the 5500 and 7500. Both have the color scheme I want. The 7500's are twice as much. Has anyone tried either on? I've never been concerned about protection really, just fit and comfort (not even weight)...

Any ideas?

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Now, another question.

I've found last years model HE750 in the color I want as well for cheap. I understand they were the best from last year..would you reccomend?

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FYI: pair of 10000s on ebay right now for a good price


thanks for posting the link, but I wear 13" ;)

I guess I'll have to find a shop that carries 5500 and 7500. Gloves are one of those things I just don't care about. As long as it has a halfway decent fit, and it is somewhat comfortable, I'll do it. Most of the guys on my team feel the same way. cheap 29 dollar easton gloves, shins, and elbows...but 200 dollar sticks and 400 dollar skates.

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about the size thing they are REALLY tight fitting gloves so you might want to go up an inch and bid on those 10000s cuz trust me my team got them and they are real tight fitting

Well, seeing as i tried on a pair of He350's last night in 13" and they fit really well, I can assume this is the size I wear.

I have 14" Mission gloves right now, and they flop around quite a bit. It was cool when I was 16 though.

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about the size thing they are REALLY tight fitting gloves so you might want to go up an inch and bid on those 10000s cuz trust me my team got them and they are real tight fitting

Well, seeing as i tried on a pair of He350's last night in 13" and they fit really well, I can assume this is the size I wear.

I have 14" Mission gloves right now, and they flop around quite a bit. It was cool when I was 16 though.

and thats how old i am so i don kno l ilike loose fitting gloves, coming from bauer 5000 to those was a tough transition

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