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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Cobra vs Tuuk vs the rest

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;) Just a question that has run through my mind-If the Cobra holder is supposed to be so strong and pitch you forward and contribute to better mechanics of skating like most of the LHS' in my area have said, how come I don't notice more Elite/NHL players on them? Did I get the marketing ploy and should I switch my 703s to Tuuks???

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Forget pitch. You can achieve any pitch you like with any holder. It's about ease of blade change, adjustment, steel, plastic, ect... I guess what I am saying is.............PP!!!

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:o Would it be worth having the steel re-tempered? I've got a buddy that works at a metal treating shop and has re-tempered knife blades and heat treated blades I've made. He usually charges me 5 bucks for a blade so at 10 bucks it might be a worthwhile gamble? Or is it just crappy steel? You think Anti seize on the bolt threads would address the rusting issue.

Just a thought

What kind of cost (U.S.) would be fair to change over to Tuuks??

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Cobra - stiff holder, bad steel, bad screw design (water gets in there and rusts away)

Tuuk will be springier but better steel.

I could not agree with you more on the bad steel on Cobras, by far the worst of any I've ever used. T'Blades are coming on wednesday to replace them and if I don't care for those, Lightspeeds, I'll never use Cobras again. I've said it elsewhere but I'll say it again if I can't sell them I'll melt them.

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Cobras have a higher than usual Nickel content, which makes steel harder. That also makes it more prone to chipping and somewhat less rust resistant. So the edge, if it does not hit anything, will last longer. But, if it hits something (step on a small stone, hit another blade, etc) it may loose a chunk. Softer, steel will get a dent istead of shattering.

P.S. i know this because i drink beer ...


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Cobra - stiff holder, bad steel, bad screw design (water gets in there and rusts away)

Tuuk will be springier but better steel.

but also with the tucks the screws on them can also rust and are harder to get at especially if there put on a skate that doesnt have holes drilled for the screws. i find the graf steel very good havent sharpened them in over a month and i play 2 times a week

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when i got a pair of the 703's i had nothing but problems with the skates and mostly the holders. i went through 3 pairs in 4 months..tuuks r they way to go ive never had a problem with them.

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I preferred the steel in my cobras (swiss made- any difference?) to that i've had in my TUUKs. I also liked the 'flatter' cobra, better for controlling the puck with your skate.

Never used the CCM steel/holders, how does that compare in terms of stiffness and durability?

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what about the quality/composition of the new e-blades on ccm and rbk skates. they are easy to change and at least mine stay sharp longer then when i had cobra holder/blades.

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i just put lightspeeds on my 703s and have skated 3 times with them and love it. ten times better than the cobras. i never felt right on the cobras and the steel kept pitting so i tossed the lightspeeds on and the skate-holder combo feels awesome.

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I preferred the steel in my cobras (swiss made- any difference?) to that i've had in my TUUKs. I also liked the 'flatter' cobra, better for controlling the puck with your skate.

Never used the CCM steel/holders, how does that compare in terms of stiffness and durability?

The eblade on the Vectors and now Tacks feel "stiffer" than TuuK. Very durable so far.

Pro-Lite holders were "hollow" feeling.

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