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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2 questions..

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Okay I have 3 SLs right now and I wanna switch.. I'm thinking vector130's? now here is

what about the 100c? is that good?

my questions..

1) I have a forsberg pattern what is the closest in a CCM?

2) has anyone tried the 130, if so comments??

sorry... one more..

3) if anyone has any suggestions I wanna change to a light BUT durable stick...any?

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I've noticed that the last few pro return Stealths are like that too, just a plastic Inno cap with a longer stick. I likey.

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Durrability and lightness seem to have an inverse relationship, so your going to have to find a comfortable middle point or sacrafice on of the qualities. The v100 is just like the v110, but without the reenforced corners, meaning it's less durable. I've been using a v110 shaft for a while and its been a rock. not heavy, not light, but more durable than ninty percent of the sticks I've used.

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