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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ryan Smyth pro stocks on ebay....

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Not cool enough to ever be bought. I've seen those pop up a few times and no one bids, but from that seller I can't blame them.

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Nothing if you live there and can pick stuff up, but the quotes I've gotten them are insane. I think a shaft was going to be $35 shipping, more than the price of the shaft itself.

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Good guys but the shipping charges were up there. I bought a shell from them once for like $18, I think the shipping was another $17 to the States.

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Nothing if you live there and can pick stuff up, but the quotes I've gotten them are insane. I think a shaft was going to be $35 shipping, more than the price of the shaft itself.

I agree with Mack, i was interested in the XXX Lite Poni pro stock, i called to see what shipping was, it was like upwards of $40 from UPS. <_<

Also i think they over price stuff just a tad to much.

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Nothing if you live there and can pick stuff up, but the quotes I've gotten them are insane. I think a shaft was going to be $35 shipping, more than the price of the shaft itself.

I agree that the prices for shipping are kind of high, but for a few reasons:

1) they use UPS (more expensive then Canada Post) - they have the truck come by and pick up shipments each day.

2) I think insurance is included (up to $100), anytime I expidite a package to the United States via Canada Post the first $100 of the value is covered.

3) I find that shipping in Canada is just more expensive than in the United States. I have purchased shafts from members here and the cost of sending to Canada is sometimes only $3-5 US. If I try to ship a shaft to the States its going to cost me like $10-15 CDN. Go figure.

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I'm wondering if it's an ONT thing because the couple times I've ordered from there it's been high, but all the times I've ordered from Cylcone Taylor it was cheap for shipping. I thought maybe if they're OPS then you get the oversize, but I was looking at a shaft and that's easy and cheap to ship.

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Nothing if you live there and can pick stuff up, but the quotes I've gotten them are insane.  I think a shaft was going to be $35 shipping, more than the price of the shaft itself.

I agree with Mack, i was interested in the XXX Lite Poni pro stock, i called to see what shipping was, it was like upwards of $40 from UPS. <_<

Also i think they over price stuff just a tad to much.

40$ CND isnt that bad..I pay 30$ each time i send warrenties to Easton (Quebec) and that is with an account (i live in Belleville ONT)

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I remember buying a cheap shaft from peranis.com for $20 and paying $28 for shipping to Alaska. All most companies offer is UPS second or next day air, while the rest of America can get free ground shipping.

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