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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Pronger's New Stick

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Gosh, his gloves have long cuffs! If I remember correctly, he had some serious wrist injuries so that should be the reason, but still... he could as well extend them a tad more so he'd not have to wear elbowpads anymore.

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Isn't the X just a standard XX shaft?

Basically, but it has very noticable grip and has the rounded handle like on the TFS and TFG shafts.

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Gosh, his gloves have long cuffs! If I remember correctly, he had some serious wrist injuries so that should be the reason, but still... he could as well extend them a tad more so he'd not have to wear elbowpads anymore.

Like Ryan Smyth's.

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Gosh, his gloves have long cuffs! If I remember correctly, he had some serious wrist injuries so that should be the reason, but still... he could as well extend them a tad more so he'd not have to wear elbowpads anymore.

That would be kinda awesome.

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What would be better than awesome is to not bring 2-month old topics only to put "That would be kinda awesome."

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Kinda off topic but I've come across a ton of GI Bauer XX OPSs at my LHS, some of them (Curtis Leschyshyn) had a really thick shaft with a very concave shape. Is it pro-only or do retail XXs have different shapes too?

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