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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skates are in the works...

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Lookin at buyin some new skates. Had the XX's and now Vector Pro's...

What's the prognosis fella's? I've been out of the loop the last year and a half.

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Hmm Vapor xxx are a great skate.. Or if you can get a pair in June the Bauer One90 look sweet but pricey.. about the same coin as the RBK 9k's

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grafs are still a prefered skate... but they dont sponsor anybody, not even the NHL players... so would you rather pay for a skate or get a free pair of vapor xxx's?

but my grafs are amazing i highly recommend them

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My LHS sells vapor xxx's for 469.99 when i have found them on most sites for like 430.00 and 300.00 on ebay What do they run at your LHS? Do you know a site that has them cheap and what is the price supposed to run on the ONE90?

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I spoke with someone at Cyclone and they said they would be tagged at $799 Canadian, I think.

I just bought a pair of 703, used to wear Vapor XX's anyone out there wearing 703 noticed some pain in their angkle bone?

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Good comments guys!

I have been thinking about Graf's. A couple years ago I tried 3 different models on and was impressed how different each model fit. I will look into trying out all the models and finding one that suits me. I have a flat wide foot...any suggestions?

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I spoke with someone at Cyclone and they said they would be tagged at $799 Canadian, I think.

I just bought a pair of 703, used to wear Vapor XX's anyone out there wearing 703 noticed some pain in their angkle bone?

I did when I got mine, but had them punched out when i bought them.

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My LHS sells vapor xxx's for 469.99 when i have found them on most sites for like 430.00 and 300.00 on ebay What do they run at your LHS? Do you know a site that has them cheap and what is the price supposed to run on the ONE90?

The price your LHS sells them is not unreasonable compared to the web site price where you don't get free sharpening, heat molding or service. Just a $30 difference. And ebay.... you get what you pay for, mostly seconds and skates with serious problems.

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