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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate sizing confused

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I now this kind of question has been asked a load of times Im just confused.

I have tried a size 7.5 and 8 Bauer 8090 everything in a nice fit just not sure in the lenght. My skate shop says it doesnt matter too much a half size. I have the 8 at the moment and just not too sure if its a titch too big.

Skate shop tells me to just pre heat home oven to 90c then switch off and put skates in for 5mins then put them on and lace up as tight as possible. Sit upright (like at school) till they cool, then allow them to sit for 12 hours before skating.

He says they will mold to my feet lenght wise too. Basically 7.5 or 8 doesnt matter cause of the heating process.

Im confused, can you all help.



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<_< hmm that does not sound quite right...A local skate shop which does not have its own oven and recommends you do it at home with your own easy-bake....also I believe that the molding is for width only i.e. around the food I have never heard of a skate shrinking 1/2 size when baked there is something called the footbed that makes that impossible.. correct me if I am wrong... If this is your only shop you can get sized I feel sorry for you.. you should be sized properly as the 8090 are pretty nice skate. Remember they fit wide to start.. Tonnes of sites will tell you how to know wheather your skates are sized correctly trying them on... I guess the best rule of thumb is that your tow should just "feather" the toe-cap and not be scrunched.. Good luck..

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My skate shop says it doesnt matter too much a half size.

This statement alone tells me you need to find a store that knows how to properly fit you for skates.

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DO NOT BAKE YOUR OWN SKATES. Yes it can work but if you leave them in the slightest bit to long your out skates. And if you think the 8 is to big then go with the 7.5 and have a store bake them for you. I fit comfotably into a 9 1/2 skate(before baking) so i bought a 9 and after baking it fit perfectly. You can always make a skate bigger, it is much harder to make it smaller

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My skate shop says it doesnt matter too much a half size.

This statement alone tells me you need to find a store that knows how to properly fit you for skates.

I have to agree with you on that one.

As for the length changing, I found that my S500s probably got 1/4 size "longer" once they were broken in. That's a result of my heel settling back into the padding all the way.

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Well i guess i can help you with this one.

When i tried on a pair of 8090 in a store (8.5) they were fine, since there were some feet in them and laced up a couple of times, so the heel and ankle pockets were "pushed in".

When i got my skates (brand new, never worn and also 8.5) they felt too small and i was pretty angry because i tried them on and then the same size wasnt comfortable.

I laced them up at home and after some time, the pockets formed to my ankle and they were like in the store.

And try not to bake them. I havent had ANY pain in them, so i'd give you the advice to skate them in.

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