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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mission skates on sale

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Hey my father told me about a mission skate (not sure which model) that went on sale from $500 to around $179 or something like that. Does anybody know about this skate or have it and what do they think about it?

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They're one of the two top of the line Mission Skates. I've never used them, but from my understanding they're the more traditionally designed stiff skate and the S500 is the supple fit skate (stiff lower part and flexible upper). A lot of people seem to like the S500, but I haven't seen much feedback on the L7. They seem like a very good deal - if you're looking for new skates then I'd head out to National Sports and try them on. If you can find a pair in your size and they fit your feet well and you like how they feel they seem like a good buy to me - especially if you don't want to break the bank. You can read more about them on the mission hockey website which I believe is www.missionhockey.com - just look under "Litefit".

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My brother grabbed a pair yesterday and he seems to like them. He usually goes with Eastons but these are a steal at $199.99. They where on at regular price at $549.99 not a few months back. They have carbon composite outsoles and composite quarters with clarino inside liners so they are a top end pro skate. You won't find a cheaper high ender even on the on line retailers right now. What a great buy! ;)

National also got a few of the new Mission Intake helmets in as well at $129.99 CDN.

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