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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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TPS redlite "control"

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I am bidding on a shaft.. but there are a few things that caught my eye.. 1st is that he says its 350 grams??.. I thought that the redlite was was 250g? 2nd, is what is the "control" part? I have never seen "control" associated with shaft..

Anyways, I might just end up getting the x10 version of this off of epuck cuz nobody local has it.. sigh.

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Well, I answered one of my own questions.. "control" refers to it being grip.. im still worried about the 350g thing. The entire purpose of me buying one is that its one of the lightest shafts avalible.

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I am bidding on a shaft.. but there are a few things that caught my eye.. 1st is that he says its 350 grams??.. I thought that the redlite was was 250g? 2nd, is what is the "control" part? I have never seen "control" associated with shaft..

Anyways, I might just end up getting the x10 version of this off of epuck cuz nobody local has it.. sigh.

the 250g RL is the Xn10 version.

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Redlite XN10 is the lightest shaft.250g I believe


Redllite Control=350g

thanks. Thats the one I was going to grab off of epuck... too bad my lhs' dont have this one :S I want it tonight.

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