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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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myspace problem

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Alright everytime i wanna try to upload a pic to add to all the other ones it says that it is to big of a file. im lucky to get two pics that fit out of like 100. it gives you the option to resize the picture, but one time to see if it works i resized it to go to the point it was just my head and it still didnt fit.

My dad says that if it is to large in the first place and you resize it that its pointless because the mega pixles are still the same and thats what determines the size of the file.

Any suggestions on how to add some pics to my myspace?

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alright another couple that we ran into while setting up myspace ( just now setting mine up )

is for the first like two weeks i had set my backround to a color and with a certain color words.

now i come back tonight and go to my profile and its all white with black writing like it was in the very begginng. I clicked on safe mode to see what would happen...so is it possible that that triggered it?

The other one is my friends cant veiw my profile because its set on private.

We thought that if they are under my friends then they would be able to veiw it but not even then. how do i take away the private mode?

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