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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Paintwork and graphics....

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This is a bit of a strange post, just a bit of a rant!. I've recently got 2 Intrigues and I find the graphics just chip off like old paint. Also a friend has some Stealths and the paint just flakes off them aswell. Why dont manufacturers put more time into keeping the graphics on the stick, it looks soooo bad and tacky when you have a top line stick, and the graphics are just flaking off! :blink: rant over lol.

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I guess if the stick performs well, the graphics shouldn't really matter, unless you bought the stick for the graphics, which doesn't really make sense either

I agree, and If it's really that bad it's going to bug you, take a sharpie to it. The Intrigue is a price-point stick.

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for a price point stick, my brother loves the performance of the Intrigue in Jr B, but he is bummed about the durability, he has broken 4 all in different spots in about 25-30 days

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This is a bit of a strange post, just a bit of a rant!. I've recently got 2 Intrigues and I find the graphics just chip off like old paint. Also a friend has some Stealths and the paint just flakes off them aswell. Why dont manufacturers put more time into keeping the graphics on the stick, it looks soooo bad and tacky when you have a top line stick, and the graphics are just flaking off! :angry: rant over lol.

Making the graphic more durable would require making the stick heavier, can't have that can we. ;)

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for a price point stick, my brother loves the performance of the Intrigue in Jr B, but he is bummed about the durability, he has broken 4 all in different spots in about 25-30 days

None of the ones we sold broke right away but a lot of them never made it through the warranty.

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i've heard of people on this board putting on some stuff to keep the paint from chipping and apparently it works like a charm. If you search you'd probably find a good topic on it but I think paint chips can get annoying especially if you like the look of your stick and you love it to death.

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