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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Armor All and Helmets!?

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Hey Guys

Well I have three helmets, a black Jofa 690 with a 480 cage, a black Nike 0004 with no shield or cage for reffing and a Royal Blue Bauer 4000 with a 480 cage and an Itech Visor. The two black ones are a couple years old and not shiny at all anymore and I would like to keep the royal blue one bright.

So I was washing my car today and broke out my Armor cleansing and protectant wipes to clean my dash and thought, Hey, they are for plastic and stuff -- so why not?

So I took it inside and cleaned the helmets up and then did the protectant and both helmets look nice and shiny.

The products I used were: Armor-All Cleaning Wipes

Armor-All Protectant Wipes





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well that would be no good, I'll keep you informed on whether my helmet cracks but I don't play in a checking league again until September.

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Idk how it would make 'em crack. I tried car wax once, didn't work too well and neither did that scartch remover stuff...but Armour-All gonna need to give that a try.

Some guy told me to go get scratch remover for motorcycle windshields for visor scratches, gotta give that a try sometime too.

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