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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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vector 10.0 slates

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I think he meant to put the letter that's next to the "L" on the keyboard, that being a "K". So a simple deduction would lead one to realize the kid meant "sKates".

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We got them in work this week, they look pretty sweet. The outsole is similar to the RBK 8K with the plastic surrounding the carbon outsole. The boot to me looks a little deeper than the original Vector Pro.

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We got them in work this week, they look pretty sweet. The outsole is similar to the RBK 8K with the plastic surrounding the carbon outsole. The boot to me looks a little deeper than the original Vector Pro.

i thought that they looked shallower but when you put them side to side its the same depth just the different colour makes it look different. One thing is im not a huge fan of the different liner

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We got them in work this week, they look pretty sweet. The outsole is similar to the RBK 8K with the plastic surrounding the carbon outsole. The boot to me looks a little deeper than the original Vector Pro.

i thought that they looked shallower but when you put them side to side its the same depth just the different colour makes it look different. One thing is im not a huge fan of the different liner

Whats the liner like?

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I am confussed with the new CCM Vector 10.0 skates. If you go to their ccm website, the link that has 06 on it, alot of it contradicts itself. In some pictures the skates have the vector pro outsoles, some of the pics have the reebok style out sole. Also in stores the pairs I have seen do not have the felt ankle pads inside, yet on the website it shows the skates having the felt ankle packs. Click on the different pics on the right you will see little red arrows after that when you look at all the pics it looks like 2 different skates are being used yet on the side of the skates and on the tongue they all have 10.0


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