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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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How Skates Are Made?

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[/bOk, my Geography teacher is going away for 2 weeks on a field trip with the Gr.11-12 Geography classes, so he gave us a project to do. It could be about anything that deals with North America and he said we could construct a model as one of the choices. So I am looking for as much info as possible on how skates are produced. The good people at Rebellion Hockey sent me a skate cut in half, so I know what a skate put together looks like. If anyone knows what materials are used in skates, how they are put together, or anything else it would be a BIG help.


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You might have some luck if you contact Riedell out of Red Wing Minesota. They are a figure skate company but they actually used to make a very good hockey skate. They are an old school American made small town company and if you tell them what you are looking for I am sure they will help you.

Also I remember when the Vapor XX Skate came out last year the sales reps had a set of material samples that they would use to highlight all the new materials. Hopefully someone from one of the skate companies will help you out with this.

When you are finished you should send a copy to the mods and maybe they can post it up somewhere

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Funny you should mention that. I bought a pair of Reidells a couple of months back. I just wanted the Tuuks off of them.

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There is this show here in Canada called "How It Is Made" and they did a show on how ice skates are made. Their website it wwww.howitismade.htm Hope that helped.

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Thanks Guys, cantor22 Im sure that would probabally help me out alot but your link doesn't work.

just copy and paste it

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There is this show here in Canada called "How It Is Made" and they did a show on how ice skates are made. Their website it wwww.howitismade.htm Hope that helped.

You put the wrong address, Cantor...that's why he clouldn't get it to work. :)

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