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Custom mouthguards

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To all the guys that wear custom mouthguards: do most insurance companies cover them? Do you need a medical prescription? Also, how protective are they compared to mouthguards like shockdoctor, etc. Will breathing and speaking improve as well? Thanks guys

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Will breathing and speaking improve as well

yes and they are actually comfortable to wear. As for price I don't really know since my dad made mine, but your regular dentist can make one for you no problem. Keep in mind there are also different levels of protection that you can also opt for, which obvioulsly will cost more.

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You can get custom mouthguards online direct from dental labs (where most dentists send the impressions they take to get them done) for about $60 US.

I did that since I don't have dental insurance, and it was well worth the money. My speaking is still garbled sometimes, but breathing is unobstructed with a custom. I never wore a OTC mouthguard because I couldn't breathe in any of them.

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My Dentist was great at finding a loop hole in my insurance as I was covered for a mouth guard that would protect my teeth from grinding them while I slept. He made me a sport one and wrote it off as one of the sleeping ones!

A custom mouth guard vs. a boil and bite are not even in the same ballpark.


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SRI, did you ever use one of those Shields or just throwing it out there as an option? Just wondered how they were, I might try one next time I need a new mouthguard.

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SRI, did you ever use one of those Shields or just throwing it out there as an option? Just wondered how they were, I might try one next time I need a new mouthguard.

I have yet to use it, however, did know about Shield coming to market with them, and, know some people with them.

Are they a replacement for what a dentist could do? Probably not, but, there is something to be said for the guy who can only afford a $10 piece as opposed to $60. Shock Doctor has done a great job marketing their products, but, if you could get the same (exact) $14.99 or $19.99 mouthguard from another brand for $5.99, it might be worth looking into. Remember, packaging and promotion costs a lot of money.

Anyways, back to the mouthguard in question, many years ago, Shield had a subsidiary that was involved in making dentures (I believe) and they used that same technology to make this mouthguard.

Thanks for the info. I've seen them on different sites for $6-$7, definitely worth a try.

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Can you send me a link that sells these mouthguards? I live in Vancouver Canada.

JJ I was thinking of the exact same thing!

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Do you chew your mouthguard? I thought about getting a custom one from one of the dad's on my team, but because i go through about 2 mouthguards a month just from chewing them, i decided it wasn't worth it.

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Another option for relatively cheap custom mouth guards:


My son uses one and it fits perfectly and seems to protect well enough.

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For those that use the 260 custom fit mouthguard. Can you breathe well with them? I'm just wondering if it's the case because the mouthguard itself looks pretty bulky. But for $12cdn it's worth a shot.

I'll also check out customguards.com Not a bad deal!

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Edge - you won't chew this one because it won't move.

Then that brings up another problem....i like chewing my mouthguard! ;)

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