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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New CCM sticks

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I was recently at the "lets play hockey" Expo where there was all the top brands in hockey, showing off their new products. I tried out the new CCM vector stick with the A.Ovechkin curve, and i loved it. Does anyone know where i can purchase one or even when they come out?

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I dont think that they are going to be released.. CCM has merged with Burger King and will be releasing a "Whopper 120c".. its made out of the same material that they made The King out of in all those commercials.

Wonder if they will come with fries.. hmm.

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All new stuff comes out in the spring.....also heard that the BK120 would come with a coupon for free Whopper combo meal!

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I heard they are trying to change the term "beer league" to "Medium Fry and Large Coke league".

its all good as long as they hold the mayo.

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Also have a custom equipment program... the "Have it your way" program....BK120s with anything you want!

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Bk arena would look like a giant hamburger box and the sinbin has a slide and ballpit :D

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Wow, this has to be a record for a topic going off topic and stright into the crapper.

In answer to the original question, shops will likely start to see the new product over the next couple of months.

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