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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Is this normal blade wear?

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Hey guys, I haven't been playing hockey too long so I don't know if the blade wear I'm experiencing is normal. I'm using an Ultra Lite Modano blade in one of the old green Z-Bubble shafts.


The wear is occuring about where the "N" is on the giant "Easton" name. It never comes in contact with the ice, so I don't know what this is being caused by.

Does that mean I'm hitting the ice too hard with slap shots, and the blade is flexing unnaturally? Or is it normal for blades to wear in that spot?

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Could be that you are touching the ice (even though you dont think so). What I would do is take a little piece of whitetape and stick it there for a practice. If it turns darker, its absorbing water and you know its touching the ice. If it tears or torques/wrinkles you know its a flex problem.

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I'm using a Modano curve.

badkitty: While I initially used this blade for a few ice games (10% of its use), I've used it strictly for inline since then, and the cracking only showed up recently. So I suppose it would be a flex issue.

I believe the shaft flex is fine; it's a 100 flex and I weigh 150 pounds so that shouldn't cause any problems. So... could stick length be a factor? I recently put in a longer butt-end. I've been thinking about cutting it down because it feels a little too long.

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I recently put a post similar to this asking what lie i should switch to because I was wearing down the heels on my sticks very fast and only at the heel. I recently bought a xxx lite with a p106 curve being like a 5.5 lie i think i could be wrong though but i notice that my tape is lasting much longer than it used to and i get a much more even wear on the blade.

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I had the same issue. But I laid my stick down a lot in the passing and shooting lanes so that mighta had something to do with it when I was on defense. Then I moved back to forward and it did the same thing...but changed my hand position a little and everything was even.

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