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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Avery chases Ballard

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Did he come off the bench? He was out near center ice when everything started at least. The one lineman did a good job, the other looked lost the whole time.

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I don't think he came off the bench. Came in late, yes, but not off the bench I don't think. He's quick, but he's not that quick.

There was a lot of stuff going on that the league is going to have to look at. Saprykin spearing Avery from the bench is the biggest thing. As well as the swordfight (haha) that Cowan and Morris had.

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I was thinking it might have been a line change but OLN did a good job of avoiding replays that may have cleared up anything.

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I was thinking it might have been a line change but OLN did a good job of avoiding replays that may have cleared up anything.

As they usually do...

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Hmm. I did record it on my pc but I don't know if media center will let me convert it to a normal video to post. The glass breakage wasn't part of the fight, fyi. Oh, and the glass just fell out of the holder, it didn't break either.

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