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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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easto ultra lite gloves

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hey just saw a pair on clearence and im thinking of picking them up just wanted some opinions such as, are they loose fiting or tight fitting durability and protection.

If you saw them on clearance, why didnt you try them on?

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probably online but i have pair now they're a standard fitting glove but after a while the palms get these little balls of palm stuck to the inside a its anmnying theyre not overall bad just the part inside the glove with the little balls

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The fit is about what you would expect of a standard glove, slightly lose fitting.

The palm does in fact wear out after a bit and somebody above me already stated that clusters of palm material does get onto the palm which is not a big deal.

The palm of the glove is somewhat durable after a year of 3 times a weak of hockey there is a medium sized hole about the size of a Canadian Nickel where I hold the knob.

I would recommend it, nothing special but its not bad either.

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