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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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blade question ?

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I just got a r2 shaft and i cant figure out what blade to get .... can get awsome prices on both ..... blades are thecomposite ones. I dont want a r2 blade because i love the dury pattern.

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You don't really have a choice unless you're pretty tall. The t-flex blades are about 3" taller than the synthesis blades meaning you would have to cut a lot off of the r2 shaft if you choose the t-flex.

The feel on the synthesis blades is quite poor... probably the worst in the industry. If your main concern is price then some Inno SMU blades would be your best buy. I hated composite blades until i tried one of those innos. They definately get my vote for best comp. blades on the market.

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The composite ones aren't that hard to find. Cyclone has a whole wack of them on closeout right now.

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before you drop some money on a comp blade, try out the other patterns recommended above in a wood and then go buy it. From what I hear, the synthesis blades aren't that great. If you live in T.O. Toronto Hockey Repair carries innovative blades and they might have them. I have a regular inno blade and they're awesome and I'm pretty sure you can find the same from their tapered blades. I have a t-flex and I'm using a wood r2 blade in the stick.

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