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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Neck protector

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i wear one because in one my leagues its the rules. To be honest, i hardly notice them whether im wearing one or not. If its on, I dont really notice it (if you have one that isnt too wide or isnt too tight.) but if i get hit in the neck it still hurts.

any other questions in particular?

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i used to wear the one wear its attached to a shirt ala bauer nexkguards, but as soon as they said i dont need one in my league, i tossed it along with earpieces

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How many of you guys wear a neck protector when playing. I am thinking about getting one.

I made a poll for this topic.

I used to wear one when I was younger because it was mandatory. As soon as they made them optional, most of the players stopped using them. I think there's a stigma and peer pressure thing associated with wearing them.

Strangely enough, during my senior year summer league season, everybody on my team wore one even though it was optional. Apparently there was word that one local kid recently had a pretty bad neck accident and it scared some of us straight. The rest of the team started wearing them because it became our thing and in a way became part of our identity (peer pressure again).

That was the last time I wore a neck protector since I'd pretty much outgrown it at that point. I haven't worn one since and I haven't had any neck injuries (knock on wood), but there's really no benefit in not wearing one.

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