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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Guest Muck

Best stick...

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Guest Muck

Newer player here, curious if you might help. I'm currently using wood sticks from my LHS (Sherwood/Montreal), but am considering upgrading. A few questions-

OPS or 2?

What brand for stick (OPS)/shaft/blade?

What model and/or material?

Any suggestions/ things I should be aware of?

Thank you for your help.

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I see you are new here but........

Its all personal preference(PP)

-Without knowing you,no one here is going to know which stick is right for you.

-Buy which one you think will work the best for you.

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I'd suggest checking out the review section. There's quite a bit of info to chew on but you'd most likely be able to find something that suits your needs.

Off the top of my head I'd go with a two-piece combo so in case you ever go the one-piece route you'll know what pattern you like. It'll give you variety before spending ~$100 on a stick.

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get a feel for some sticks at your LHS, think about whats your stick has to endure (slapshots, slashes, etc.) if anything. also think how long you want the stick to last. i suggest you start off on the lower end of the line, maybe a shaft and wood blade so you can play around with your curve till you find a preference. also, how much do you have to spend?

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Ok, thank you.

Any starting point for a big guy?

Sherwood 5030. If you have a booming slapshot, then Sherwood 7000 or 9950. After you get a good feel for the puck and your shooting style, then go to a 2 piece, shaft wood blade. Then progress to a shaft/comp blade then a OPS. Wait, did i just describe the evolution of hockey. :rolleyes:

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1 pc. sticks are more expensive and you cannot use different blades till you find the curve you like. I suggest a 2pc. to start out with. Easton shafts seem to be the most popular. You might try the TPS line also.

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I used to use wood sticks until I bought an easton z bubble years back in a pinch. I got so used to it that when it broke I bought a synergy. It will feel wierd at first but I now have a bunch of vapor XXX sticks and I love them. Give the one piece a try or if you want a gradual upgrade, try buying a shaft 1st, it will be a bit cheaper and a better way to make a transition.

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