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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Tongue

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For those of you with skate repair experience, can the tongues of skates be replaced? Specifically, my Pro-Tacks are a year and a half old and the already skimpy tongues are getting flimsier (now the laces bind and hurt the tendons that run on top of the bridge of my foot/ankle). I would think that an old school felt lined tongue would offer better protection against this problem. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

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that would probably be a bitch to change, because its basically attached as one piece to the boot, rather than sewn on seperate. Is it possible to take that tounge off and change it? im sure there is some way, but heres a better option. Get some thick material of what you want the tounge to be inside. then, have it sewn right onto the tounge. must easier and then, when you want to change it again, it wont be a hassle.

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It can be done.

I'm pretty sure one of the mods here had it done to their skates without a problem. I don't remember who though.

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Thanks for the suggestions everyone. I found a shoe/skate repair guy who will do something similar to what Veltri described but he splits the tongue and puts the material in the middle and sews it back up. If that doesn't do it, its good to know that the tongue can be replaced.

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