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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Anybody wear JOFA SG 7500 shins?

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Yes they are good, Jofa/RBK makes the best protective stuff(IMO).The only thing is Jofa Shinguards are bulky.

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I just ordered a pair of the 7500's from Amazon ($30 plus shipping), so I'll let you know when I've had a chance to play in them.

People seem to love the Jofas, with the exception of a small minority that thinks they're too bulky. I'm excited to get them and give them a workout.

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i dont get how people think they are bulky. if its the proper fit it shouldnt be bulky, how does it effect your performance? wind resistance?

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IMO. they are very comfortable shin pads, very protective shinpads, but as other members mentioned they are bulky, to bulky for me anyways, in the end i switched back to my old ones. About the performence question, from my expierence, i skate alot slower with them then with me old ones. If it matters. the jofas were a size bigger than my old ones.

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I had a pair of the 7500's and found them a really decent shin pad. They offer great protection for a middle range shin pad and are extremely light. I have a pair of the Reebok 8K's and I have to admit I find them slightly more bulky than my old 7500's but not overly. The 7500's are good for most levels of play and much better pads than most other manufacturers mid-range equipment. I don't believe you can go wrong with them.

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