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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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All Torhs Team

The Shield

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After watching the season finale last night I was pissed.

I cant beleive Shane killed Lem.

I know its just a show but its the only show I get caught up in.

Those guys were family. How could Shane actually kill him and the way he did it to was just horrible. I would have had more respect then that. (I know it was script).

For myspace I joined the Shield fan group and post alot on there.

Any other thoughts on last nights episode? I cant wait to see the next season

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Sucks that he was killed, but Shane was putting the team--and more importantly himself--above anyone. Plus he was going under the false information that Lem snitched on them.

I just can't believe he lived that long after the grenade, the poor bastard.

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I agree, And I did not see it coming at all. I thought Shane was giving him food then leaving.

Remember when Vic was looking at Lem in the car for like two seconds. I thought Lem was going to suddenly open his eyes or start breathing. Thats what I was hoping anyways.

I loved the look on shanes face in the very end when vic said "I swear to god im going to kill whoever did this"

Im betting shane swallows his gun.

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I figured something was up when Shane didn't get a tail. I'm going to guess that Vic finds out about that and that's when he starts putting the pieces together. I thought he had a clue when he was looking at Lem's body then looked over at Shane, who just kind of looked away like he was guilty.

I loved the look Shane had when he heard that Vic would kill anyone responsible for that. I heard this next season is supposed to be its last and one theory is that Vic will go down and the last scene will be him looking at Antwoine in prison from opposite cells.

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wow, I can defidently see that.

I had ronnie getting away, shane dying or doing time along with vic doing time.

Im pretty sure cavanaughs gona get 'em. Although I hope he doesnt.

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After watching the season finale last night I was pissed.

I cant beleive Shane killed Lem.

I know its just a show but its the only show I get caught up in.

Those guys were family. How could Shane actually kill him and the way he did it to was just horrible. I would have had more respect then that. (I know it was script).

For myspace I joined the Shield fan group and post alot on there.

Any other thoughts on last nights episode? I cant wait to see the next season

MAN that has to be one of the BEST SPOILERS EVER! :angry:

You never thought someone hasn't watched the final episode yet? You never thought including something like "SPOILER" in the subject? I was going in the 7th episode when I saw there was some thread titled "The Shield". I read the second line of your post and !##?=(¤#%%#¤¤ How it ruined the finale from me GODDAMN IT!!!!!

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It's a good thing you hadn't watched it in the three weeks since it aired...

Heh, here in Finland they are airing the fourth season atm.

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