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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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TPS Custom HGTs...

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Hey I gave my custom order sheet to my LHS the other day to get them ordered and he said he'd place the order the next day. He called today telling me I needed two orders to get them, but was unsure whether or not they needed to be the same.

Now I know of this rule, because I remember JR saying this, but does anyone here know if the gloves have to be the same (as far as colors and other stuff is concerned) or if they can be two completely different gloves, just that they need two to get them ordered? Because if they can be different it'd be that much easier to get them ordered. If they need to be the same then does anyone want to get the second pair of these:


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Yes. I talked to their rep over here and you need to order at least two identical pairs (unless you got connections)

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Well first of all, I don't want anyone else in the area to have my gloves. I like to be unique. Also, no one would want to buy them anyways.

Badkitty, they won'te be that bright red when I get them (I don't think). They'll be darker so they should look good.

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ambro, I use only these gloves, they are the best, where are you located, and what LHS do you use?

Mine are all balck Cable Knit with there famous Nash palm, sick gloves!!

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Alright so I just talked with my shop and they need to be the EXACT same glove even down to the name. So if you want to get in on these I guess a name isn't an option (unless you want my name on them...).

So is there anyone that wants to order the same gloves as posted above?

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