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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ogie Oglethorpe

Vector Pro vs. 130zg skates

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Does anyone know if the only difference between the Vector Pro and the Vector 130zg skates are just the chasis (i.e, Pro has the E-Holder while the 130zg has the TBlade system)?

The boots look like the stitching might be slightly different - but are the boots essentially the same? Has the ZG given up some protection in preference of lightweight?

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when I bought my Vector's pro back in august, the sales person told me the only difference was the blade, and overall its the exact same skate.

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Huh.... I wonder how much lighter the t-blades make it over the pro?

I will have to do a search to figure out how hard it is to get t-blade replacements (I've never seen them locally) as the 130ZG is something like $30-50 cheaper than the Pro.

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Essentially, the ZG130 = Vector Pro, the 120 = 7.0 etc.

Essentially. Is the key word. I have held all of the Vector skates and examined them and the materials on the Pro are the same as those on the 130. There are a few minor differences. The real decision for you should be t'blades vrs. traditional e-blade holders. That's the major difference.

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I'd certainly prefer the Pro/traditional eholder, but the 130ZG is priced lower AND is available in the size I need (the latter being a fairly big decision maker in the deal).

I didn't want the skate, however, if the protection level was skimped on or if was not as stiff.

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I have the ZG 130's and from my experience, there is plenty of stiffness. I wouldn't worry about that. I agree with gavin that it comes down to T-blades vs. Pro/traditional eholder. I would say forget about the price difference. If you really want the Pro/eholder, get that instead. Getting the skate you want will save you the most money. You'll be able to find the size you need somewhere at a decent price.

You might or might not like the T-blades...a little risky. If you do, for how long? It's a lot to think about. I personally went back to traditional holders (as many seem to). It's not because I hated them. I thought they were pretty cool, albeit, in a kind of artificial way.

Just my .03 ¢. Good luck.

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Finding my size in the Pro Tack for the right price is the problem. If the 130zg is $50 less, I can use them for grins and giggles then replace the holder with something else if I don't like them..... but, good feedback. It helps.


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Good idea, especially since (in my experience) the first thing to go on any skates will be the holders/blades.

If you have a good pro shop, you can just get your guy to rivet on a new holder when the t'blade system breaks/you don't think it's cool anymore.

Just beware, I've seen some posts about idoit LHS personelle installing the holder crooked/then later drilling a whole bunch of holes in the boot, then doing it again, basically just screwing it all up. Make sure the guy knows what he's doing.

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Finding my size in the Pro Tack for the right price is the problem. If the 130zg is $50 less, I can use them for grins and giggles then replace the holder with something else if I don't like them..... but, good feedback. It helps.


Maybe you can add to that t'blade day-by-day journal thread...

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