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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Glove question

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Hi there,

i got a pair of used Vapor XX gloves, which are in a very good condition, they are started to break in and got a little smell.

I dont mind smell in hockey gear, got to admit that i like it a bit, but i dont like the smell or sweat provided from other players.

So.. what can i do? Can i wash them out with clear water in the bath tub and dry them out (maybe with some Febreze?)?


Oh yes:

I can not get my hands on "funkfree" so that wont count as an answer *lol*

Besides that i tried to search but i could not find a usable thread.

Good Night :ph34r:

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I would spray them with Febrese and air them out (fresh air on the balcony or garden). But at the moment its cold in Europe, so i dont know if thats good or bad.


Where in AT are you from?

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Fabreeze isn't going to help, as it's going to smell as soon as you sweat in them again. Washing them is not a good idea at all.

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Theres antibacterial sprays that you can buy.. that will actually kill some of the bacteria that causes the smell.. rather than mask it like Febreeze...

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I place my gloves over an air purifier after every game and let them sit there overnight. (open end down so the air blows into the glove)

I've been doing this to the same set of gloves for 2 1/2 years and they still have no smell to them.

I have a 2nd pair that I've washind in the washer a few times and they seemed to hold up OK.

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I washed my 2nd-hand gloves using "Murphy's Oil Soap", and they turned out OK.

Sweat is another way for the body to get rid of its waste products, and things like Febreeze cover the smell but leave the waste products in the gloves. I find hat the "Murphy's Oil Soap" gets the leather clean without taking out its suppleness.

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