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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer shafts

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does inno make a "sister" shaft that would match the feel and performance of the XV?? Standard or tapered blades. You know how I love my Montreal Euro Blades!!!! :D and I'm tired of trimming dowm my blades to fit the tapered shaft XV

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does inno make a "sister" shaft that would match the feel and performance of the XV?? Standard or tapered blades. You know how I love my Montreal Euro Blades!!!! :D and I'm tired of trimming dowm my blades to fit the tapered shaft XV

you could get some custom made wood blades by christian or ballistik iwth that euro cueve on them that way theres no trimming required ;)

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does inno make a "sister" shaft that would match the feel and performance of the XV?? Standard or tapered blades. You know how I love my Montreal Euro Blades!!!! :D and I'm tired of trimming dowm my blades to fit the tapered shaft XV

What about the Bauer Vapor X shaft? It takes standard blades.

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