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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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we get all cyto products for the staff each month..but I doubt the Muscle Milk was the primary reason you saw gains unless you were putting in way to little protein (the average us citizen is way over on this anyway)

I understand the need for gains in people..hell I was there..160lbs as a senior (also partly my fault since I ran XC, Indoor and Outdoor) but even taking a year off didn't change it that much..my body didn't morph until I was 19-20 or so...so it came down to strength...if you push too much on your body when its not ready..it will let you know in the form of injury..

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Has anybody here taken muscle milk by cytosport? I am currently taking it and I love it, I saw gains in just a week and bumped my max up after two weeks to 375lb on the bench and 450lb on squats.

MM is a good product. I buy the RTD in the small individual sizes to drink at work since I don't have a blender there.

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the best gym routine will not yeild the results you are seeking without a proper diet.

to gain mass...

diet wise

find your maintenance level of calories, and then add 500-1000 calories. try to eat 6-7 small meals throughout the day instead of 3 large meals. try and eat clean. try and get 1-1.5 grams of protein be lb of lean body mass. try to match that in carbs and get 1/3 of that number in fat.

workout wise

try and workout 3-5 days a week. the general rule of thumb is to give each bodypart 48hrs rest in between workouts, but this could change from person to person. there are so many theories and workouts, find one that works for you. try and include supersets, and drop sets. use compund movements and squats as these promote growth.

supplement wise

whey protein is every important. isolate or concentrate, it doesnt matter (it comes down to absoprtion and lactose tolerance). creatine will definetely help, monohydrat or ethyl ester. there are very good creatine "cocktails" out there that will help you meet your goals (try and avoid muscletech and bsn as these are very overpriced). NO products are design to be vasodialtors, they will make you look "pumped" in the gym, the theory is more blood flow = more nutrients into the muscles. whether these work or not, well it depends who you ask. the release of extra nitric oxide also releases free radicals. look into Body Octan by man sports, excellent "pump" product with endurance enhancements, good product. other than that, there really arent many products that promote growth, those are the basics. after you see how you reposond to those there is a product called x-factor that is very good, but you should get everything else in order first. don't mess with steroids, or many of the over the counter masked steroids like superdrol, pheraplex, prostanzol etc.

keep a positive mind frame, it will take hard work, but you will see results.

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Has anybody here taken muscle milk by cytosport? I am currently taking it and I love it, I saw gains in just a week and bumped my max up after two weeks to 375lb on the bench and 450lb on squats.

muscle milk is a protein powder with added fats. nothing in this would lead to sudden strength gains.

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it also has creatine.

it has a creatine "precursor" so it doesnt contain creatine itself, and that still wouldn't explain the sudden gains. creatine doesnt work in that manner either.

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Its never stops to amaze me the lengths people are willing to go or the short cuts they are willing to take. Needless to say, I agree with USAhockeyy22 overall.

Maybe its just that I was lucky and am natually built pretty thick and never had any need of getting bigger. But still...When you take short cuts, you never learn to do things properly or the right way

There's no doubt many of the products on the market are effective. I've seen guys before using the products, during their use and, for some, after they had stopped using the products. The guys who had stopped using the products were still fit but had lost much of their increased mass, which makes sense since a lot of their gains were water-based

So I question what's the point? If one has to constantly drop $50, $100, $200, $500 a month to be their largest, why not just work out with great intensity, eat properly, and accept what your genetic code is?

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I concur with your second paragraph, Salming.

I just find these people so weak in mentality and almost sad - that they have to inject their bodies so much w/ pills and powders instead of doing what is right.

What are they going to be....40 years old and still throwing away money, haha. Most are never going to step on an AHL or NHL rink- or even a D1 college rink or Jr A rink for that matter. So I don't know why they don't just start to practice proper nutrition and exercise habits, which will last a lifetime.

one must never forget that supplements are to SUPPLEMENT an already tight diet and workout routine.

some supplements are very beneficial and can be used indefinetely.

some supplements actually are beneficial to your health directly as a typical western diet is lacking in many areas.

however when it comes to steroids and ph's most people don't know how to properly use them, will gain s lot of weight just to lose it all a few months later. to do them right takes a large commitment and knowledge of ones body and how these substances will affect their body. and honestly unless you intend to make money from your body, there is no need to take them. i never have and would never recommend them.

supplements in general are very misunderstood, and can be beneficial, but the majority of them are useless and just a waste of cash.

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