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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Guest Datsyuk*13

Yah I know that Leafs 12 always does it you might want to talk to him.

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Guest Datsyuk*13

Talk to leafs 12 i think its pretty easy though you have to be carefull you dont file to much though. Leafs12(jason)

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Guest LEAFS12

Ya, its easy just measure it out where i want it (remembering about the part that goes in the shaft) then just shave it down with a file(which takes forever :angry:) then just get some glue of any kind and put it in. Ive done it once but it is very easy to do, but its time consuming.

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Guest LEAFS12

I think it is worth the time rather then buying a new blade.

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Guest Datsyuk*13

Yah im gonna try that there is always blades in good condition at my local hockey rink.

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I used to do this all the time because Easton does not make a Euro curve. I'd but a new Montrreal M95 and cut down the hosel and sand the tenon to fit the Synthesis shaft. The tric is to get the tenon the correct thickness. I found that if I put the blade in a vice and used a belt sander that made the job easier. Also a set of calipers to compare the thickness of the blade your working on to your desired thicknes keeps you from sanding off too much. You can buy heat glue at any craft store or Wal Mart

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i suppose if you didn't file it down too much you could use tape to make it fit? or would that make the blade feel soft?

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Guest LEAFS12

Ya I will try that next time cause shaving it down takes forever.

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