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TPS whip flex vs. XXX Lite 87?

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Ok, I've found XXX Lites online very, very, cheap. But, they only have them in 87 (reg) flex. I use a Response+ whip flex, which I love, and the only reason I am thinking of gettinga XXX Lite is the price. Has someone used both? How does the 87 flex compare to the TPS whip? I really like the flex and performance I get, since I'm only 5'10" 160. Easton's 85 is ok, I had a Si-core 85 that I liked, but a little more flex would be nice. I've done a search, but couldn't find any topics on this, although I did give up after 10 pages or so.

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I have both an XXX P9 and a TPS Adrenaline Whip Sundin and there is definitely a noticable difference in flexes.

I'm a smaller guy and much prefer the whip flex. Gives me great response, and nice action on wristers at minimal expense to my slapshot. I just find I have to concentrate a little more on the mechanics of my slapper or else the puck will die a little bit.

The thing about TPS is that their flexes seem to get whippier, moreso than other manufacturers.

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so given they were the same price, you'd still buy a TPS whip?

Yes. Although I also like the Sundin Curve much more than the Hossa.

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excellent, thanks. In that case, I'll post the link to the sticks in case anyone else wants them (I wanted to make sure I would get one)

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If you want a XXX lite in a whip flex, I would recomend the 77 sr flex.

Please note that they dropped the INtermediate flex to 67

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If you want a XXX lite in a whip flex, I would recomend the 77 sr flex.

Please note that they dropped the INtermediate flex to 67

I haven't seen that flex yet.

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Yep, only 87 flex, which was the whole reason for my question and thread. If they had a 77 flex, it wouldn't have been an issue.

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