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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Grafs for defensemen

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Just purchased Graf 704 with t blades.I play defense and i noticed as soon as i tried these on that the forward lean is extremely different from my bauer XI.Will this make playing defense harder.I know the Grafs have a more aggresive forward lean but these things fit like a glove.Is this a more offense oriented skate or will it just take some getting used to?

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Floods the boards when we have alot of posts over and over again on the same or similar topic. The mods will usually move it over if they think it needs to be done.

Welcome to the site.

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I went from XI tuuks to 705 cobras and it took some getting use to. Still not as comfortable in the cobra as i was in the tuuk.

Id say go for a tuuk. Next year im getting tuuks put on my grafs.

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Get used to it, maybe you'll become an offensive defenseman and pinch mor... wait a minute that wouldn't be good... maybe I should be buying some Tuuks.


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just keep skating on them. you'll get used to them. i haven't tried the tblades, but i'm using 705's on the cobra's and i'm pretty used to them now. took a few games.

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Just purchased Graf 704 with t blades.I play defense and i noticed as soon as i tried these on that the forward lean is extremely different from my bauer XI.Will this make playing defense harder.I know the Grafs have a more aggresive forward lean but these things fit like a glove.Is this a more offense oriented skate or will it just take some getting used to?

I know defensemen who love an aggressive forward pitch and others who hate it. The important thing is to find what works best for you. Personally, I like the Mission Pitch holder and it allows you to play around with various settings to find what feels best for you.

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Just purchased Graf 704 with t blades.I play defense and i noticed as soon as i tried these on that the forward lean is extremely different from my bauer XI.Will this make playing defense harder.I know the Grafs have a more aggresive forward lean but these things fit like a glove.Is this a more offense oriented skate or will it just take some getting used to?

I know defensemen who love an aggressive forward pitch and others who hate it. The important thing is to find what works best for you. Personally, I like the Mission Pitch holder and it allows you to play around with various settings to find what feels best for you.

yep, pitch is the best thing since sliced bread....

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