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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Is this good value, for someone to start

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Thats pretty low end gear, in my opinion you are better of surfing the bay or goalie boards for some quality used gear.

good luck, pm me if you need more specific help.

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I looked at those too...play some roller and some casual adult league hockey in them is what I was thinking about doing. I know they are pretty low end stuff, but it borrows some stuff from the Bio line of Tour pads supposedly and those are good for ice.

I've researched those pads a bit and the general concensus is great roller pads, and enough for some casual ice play. Inlinewarehouse says good for roller and rec ice play. Some other site said the same...think it was like 2/47 hockey. But I'm sure these are better than some of the other Tour pads floating around like thos Tour GTL 400.

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Basically I am looking to try goalie. It will be a beginner ice league. I don't have a ton of cash for it, but don't want to get stuff that will be rendered inneffective and cause injuries.

Can someone recommend stuff that is cheap but will be decent as a starter

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I've looked at everything and if I bought new stuff, the Tour is the best deal. Though I have found some used Itech 4.8 or similar stuff in a similar price range...just hard to get the catcher and blocker with them for the low price as Tours.

Haven't read much about the F-14s since they're a new model. But I'm thinking bout getting those. I'm sorta in the same situation as you pancake...lokking to play some goalie. From deduction though I think it should be ok...the Bio 1000 are the model above the F-14 and those are good for ice. Below it are the Tour 550/Tour GTL and those being used on ice are sketchy. F-14 is in between, should be ok as long as you don't play against A-leaugers consistantly and don't expect these things to last like 5 years then should be a good buy. That being said, I'm trying hard to find some used gear...the Tours or Mission pads are my backup plan.

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Just saw your other thread. I saw you listed your size...6'3", 230 or so. Just was thinking, if you got Tours, you might wanna look into some extra knee padding. Since your a big guy, these Tours seem to be better for someone lightweight...no offense or anything, just figure they arn't made with substantial padding or anything. But you can prob find kneepads or just modify the things with some old pads from somewhere.

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