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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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wheels breaking

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Alright, its been the 2nd wheel ive broke in one week and they were brand new.

I got the softness that I had always gotten before. I talked to a guy at the rink who researches wheels alot or whatever-he was a wheel expert we can say.

He said it was because of my skating style. He explained that some skaters will use more effort on their skates then others just by using their stride alone.

How can this happen? Im still lost in the dark on the topic.

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my front wheels break apart because of my stride,i need a soft wheel in front for a strong toe kick,the soft wheel gives me better grip but take a punishment, they dont last that long at all.when i start off my stride my first couple of strides are strong often pushing or digging that front wheel for grip,i dont have a problem on the ice but with inline my skateing is a habbit thats my style of skateing .the inside of my big toes are like rock from so many years of that inside kick.

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Normally the front and rear wheels see the most wear..however a two day life is definitely an anomally....not sure whose wheels they were, but, top end wheels like Rink Rats were lasting up to three months or even longer at the inline "pro" levels, if they were from a good batch.

When all these wheel manufacturers change wheel designs, and or sub suppliers, there is usually a learning curve with the new products, that may take a couple of batches to sort out...during that time most have some sort of QC problems they get through, and then the wheels are fine...

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