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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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carb loading

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Has anything changed in terms of the idea of carb loading since the whole atkins, carbs are bad, craze? Is it still recommended to consume a lot of carbs in the days preceeding a game or is this just outdated?

any insight for a nutritional newb would be appreciated.

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Has anything changed in terms of the idea of carb loading since the whole atkins, carbs are bad, craze? Is it still recommended to consume a lot of carbs in the days preceeding a game or is this just outdated?

any insight for a nutritional newb would be appreciated.

we've had to do it for provincials for high school the last couple years. it works. you really notice it at the midway/end of the tournament

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a good general diet will help more than just trying to load up, since to "load" you have to first wipe out your existing stores of glycogen...which would be hell on a hockey player..balanced diet..lots of omega 3 stuff for recovery..(ie. pacific salmon is a wonder food for post game recovery) if you are playing multiple games in a short time frame, putting something in your body with a 4:1 carbs to protein ratio immediately after the game (if you are skating enough in it) will do a lot...then follow up with a decent meal (doesn't have to be huge) 90-120 min later...

biggest issues that befall players during a tournament..not thinking ahead in terms of recovery..lack of sleep/poor diet entering the tournament, lack of sleep/poor diet during the tournament

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carbs are not bad.

whole grains are infinitely better than processed grains (etc, white bread, pasta etc.)

carbs are the bodies main source for energy, atkins works because of how you body works. your body will burn carbs first, if you have a large carb heavy meal, any fat taken in will be stored as fat, while the body works to burn the carbs. when the carbs are gone, the body will turn to fat and protein (muscle). atkins users will lose both fat and muscle, not ideal for a hockey player or any athlete.

if you can try and eat whole grain pasta, but if you dont like that, eat normal pasta. your body will handle it, and you wil find more energy for your game.

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