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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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neck protectors w/ inserts

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When I was younger I had a neck protector that had some sort of flexible insert inside. I recently checked out a few of the current neck protectors at my LHS and all they seem to be a thin strips of cut-resistant fabric, no inserts. Are neck protectors with inserts still made for players?

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Yes, but they aren't all that safe as mentioned in some of the other neck protector topics.

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I just looked at some of the older neck protector threads and it the main complaints are that they aren't comfortable (obviously), and as mentioned, the inserts don't seem to be very effective.

I used to use a Vic that had a contoured insert wrapped in light padding. I didn't think it was particularly uncomfortable at all. And even though the insert won't protect from an intentional ax chop across the throat, I still think that little bit of material is better than nothing since it might lessen the severity of incidental contact.

The neck protectors I was saw at the LHS that which were just strips of fabric were by Bauer and A.L.21. Which brands/models do have inserts?

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Protective neck collar with bib

Ballistic reinforced Nylon material

Soft brush cloth liner for comfort and sweat absorption

Bib has plastic inserts for added protection

Velcro closure

BNQ certified

Embroidered Easton logo


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