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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Jofa 8040 and 9040 shinguards

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I'm not having any luck finding a pair of RBK 5K shinguards, which is what I was looking for. However, a local hockey store has some closeout Jofa's in stock, including the 8040's and the 9040's. I cannot find any info on these shins, and was wondering if someone could shed some light on them for me. I think the 9040's became the 8K in the RBK line, but I'm not sure about the 8040's. I think I'm leaning toward the 8040's, because they seem less bulky. Did they become something else in the RBK line, or were they just discontinued? Would you guys recommend them? Thanks.

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This is why i love internet. You can simply find a cool forum about your hobby with experts who can give you this kind of information you otherwise would have never know.

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