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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Pants sizing question

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Ok here is my problem. Im going to need new pants soon as the pair i have is starting to breakdown. I have a 37 inch waist. My pants are a CCM large 34-36. Pants dont really fit tight and never have. Ive been the same waist size within an inch over the past few years. Do I stay with the 34-36 size or do I need to go up to 36-38 depending on the brand of pants i want to wear? Im looking at tacklas or another pair of ccms. Thanks in advance

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if your ccm larges fit you fine, I don't see why getting another pair of the same pants in the same size woudl be a problem. the best idea would be to go and try them on.

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I would keep the pant your using now seeing how it fits you. If it aint broke to fix it...in this case, if it fits dont change it.

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