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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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quick retro tv question

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I don't remember Rollergames being all that roller-derby like. It was more like the WWF or American Gladiators, non? There were good guys and bad guys...then again I smoked pot in college and perhaps that clouded my memories of this show.

Unless you're thinking of Prayer of the Rollerboys or the Chris Klein remake of Rollerball...


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I'm trying to think of other shows that used Rollerblades, and that's the only one that stuck out in my memory...other than GUTS on Nickelodeon. The stickhandling and triangle puck not ringing a bell...


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I vaguely remember this show. The first event was to stickhandle a big blue triangle past 3 meatheads on a narrow path with a lot of right angles. Then there was a hole at the end you had to slide the triangle through which would light up. One guy took the shot from the start. It caught the goons offguard 'cause they were still working up the crowd. I think it went in too. He was the one of the few that held the stick properly. They did the same three events every week, but that was the only loosely hockey-related one.

I as remember it, the obstacle course had red stairs. You had to climb up one side, then skate down the other. Some guys jumped off, but took too long to recover from the landing. I don't remember any half-pipes, but I can picture narrow bridges.

I think the same show featured an instructional segment where they taught tricks. The one I learned was the heel-toe trick were you roll on just the back wheel of one skate and the front wheel of the other. The cute girl demonstrated.

I loved that show back in like 1994.

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