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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Scottish Maple Leaf


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Can anyone help me with an e-mail address for MIA. I got a pair of custom gloves that look great but after wearing them twice the stitching in the forefinger has come out so the finger keeps popping out. When I placed the order I got an e-mail adress from one of their emplyees. I sent him a picture of the defect last week but no response. When you go to the website & click on contact us it just crashes.

Any help appreciated.

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Their website is Effed up.. its been like that for a good week now..

Im really starting to dislike this company.. <_<

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You could try their toll free number: 1-877-888-5908

call them ... a friend of mine works there, but hes not in town as we speak :angry:

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I had the same thing happen to a pair of Eagles my son had. I justed got a good needle and some strong thread and re-sewed the finger sections back together myself. Worked like a charm and no screwing about trying to get a hold of the manufacturer to honour the guarantee. Probably saved myself a lot of time and aggravation.

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