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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I need a website or program

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My school is getting a roller hockey team next year, but we have to supply the jersey's since it won't be school-sponsored. Are there any websites that could help me make a logo? Thanks.

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My school is getting a roller hockey team next year, but we have to supply the jersey's since it won't be school-sponsored. Are there any websites that could help me make a logo? Thanks.

If this is in the wrong section feel free to move it.

Have somebody design it for you. There are a lot of freelance graphics artists (including myself) who are always up for it.

I would help you, but I dont have much time with school.

try here www.visual-emotion.com/community

Its a website/forum I am staff for. Theres a slew of really nice guys there who would jump on this.

From there, print it out and get a company to make logos for you jerseys etc..

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