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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Graf skates

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hey im looking to buy some Grafs because of their durability and comfort. im about to go to college and will not put up with the durability issues i had with my synergy 1300cs. What is the difference in stiffness between the 703, 704, and 705 models? Is there a different fit?

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I think one of the 704/703 models is discontinued. They 705 fits wider than the others, closer to a CCM fit, where the 3/4 are more of a Bauer narrowness.

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That seems strange that graf would get rid of the 705. It seems like the 705 is one of their most popular skates.

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the stiffness is about the same, but the fit for each series is different. 703 is narrower, 705 is wider 609 provides more ankle support, and the list varies.

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graf is not getting rid of the 705 or 703 skates.there the two most popular boots

Our rep said it was like 70% of people fit into the 705 best.

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here is a quik run down on what i know about graf fits:

705: wide in the fore foot and wider in the heel

735: the 735 boot is made on the same last as the 704, the fit of the 735 is pretty much identical in every way to the 705 except the heel is narrower

703: this is an all around skate, made to fit a more narrow foot type

709: very deep boot

707: from what i know about 707s is that a EE width will fit a wide foot and high arch very nicely

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from personal experience id say 703, im wearing a 703 and theres no way i should be in it, my foot is coming out the top, i should be in a 705/735, i could be wrong, but maybe a 707 normal width too

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