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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mission M1 strange issue

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I have a Mission M1 composite one piece. Its the Alan McCauley curve. I cut it down (Im 5'7) and did not use a "stick butt" just taped up the open end.

Recently while taking a slap shot, I heard a small rattle. It sounds like one stone in the shaft and it rattles. I took the stick home and un taped it and tried to shake the stone out. I could not find where it was.

Last night I practiced slapshots with the same stick and now it sounds like way more "pieces" are rattling up and down.

is it falling apart from the inside out?

any ideas?

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Its the glue holding the foam in. It breaks between the foam and the top of the blade and rattles in there. You might as well get used to it because it is not coming out. :P

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This is an older Mission M1 which I got from my LHS. Its a 100 flex. Its a good stick, but the curve takes a little getting used to. I am starting to prefer my Lindros curve (old Bauer Velocity).

while I like the stick, the rattle bugs me, but whatever.

thanks for the comments everyone.

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This may be a little late to help you, but I had the same problem with a TPS XN10 and it drove me nuts. Here's how I fixed the problem. The rattling was down by where the blade is fused and there was a piece of foam that wouldn't let the piece of glue come out. I tried pushing the foam down and that would work for a couple shots and then the rattling would come back.

I ended up taking a curtain rod and putting duct tape around the end of the rod and then I put some crazy glue on there then quickly put the curtain rod down into the stick and held pressure against the foam. A few seconds later I was able to pull the curtain rod out with the piece of foam attached to it. I turned the stick over and out popped that little piece of glue. Then I just stuffed the foam back down in there and everything was fine.

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