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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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got adrenaline control...

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Just got an Adrenaline control from the local used sports store. They carry pro stock sticks and mostly oiler gear (i'm located in edmonton). So basically i got a todd harvey adrenaline which is a clone of the drury curve. it doesn't say harvey on it but the tag claimed it was. the number on the stick is RP19L, assuming it means regular flex - pattern 19 - left. Wierd considering he's a righty and there were several of his right hand sticks there. Maybe a factory mistake :rolleyes: the other righty's were the same curve. There were also about 7 bergeron synergy SL's there and the same curve too.

Anyways I'm going to practice today so I'll share my thoughts on it later.

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19 is their Drury clone. He does have a little brother, not sure what hand that Harvey shoots. Not sure if it's the RP or 19 curve though on account of the nameplate.

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I had a prostock Modano synergy grip. The tag said modano and it was right handed which he is not. Maybe a marketing thing?

couldve just been a retail? SOme pros use retail curves

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They take certain pro-stock patterns and flip them both ways. Styles is one, this is prostock Adrenaline looks to be either a RP or P19 from the description. The Modano is likely a Modano retail flipped to a RH shot.

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The Modano is likely a Modano retail flipped to a RH shot.

Or a retail curve, I've seen a lot of them.

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