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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer XV Shafts

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I’ve been seeing many Bauer XV shafts on sale and am really considering buying one. I’ve read the reviews on this shaft and they have enough merit to sway my decision but being thorough as I am, I was curious if I could get some long-term updates/reviews. Thanks in advance

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i have had mine for 2 roller seasons now...it has held up ok. Grip has rubbed off and just a few paint chips. I have the 100 something flex one, but looking back I should have got the 87.

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Great shaft. When I heard they were being discontinued, I picked up a couple more as back ups. I'll probably even get a couple more if the price on them drops some more as stores close them out.

I've had 2 break on me but one was caught in the boards on a check and the other on a snapped on a slap shot in warm ups. Even so, I still love this shaft. I have a couple other tapered shafts but use this model exclusively. I would recommend it.

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I had one for a while, I liked the shaft, nothing special for me though. I was not impressed at how fast the grip peeled off after paying $179.00 cad. It had very good balance, I scored some pretty nice goals with it but just wasn't consistant in the shooting department. I kept going back to my ZBubbles. Overall it is a nice shaft, if you get a good deal go for it.

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